Thursday, September 02, 2010

Tips From Venicepets: Getting Rid of Fleas!

Summer is coming to an end but in places like Los Angeles fleas can be a year-round problem, as I'm sure you're aware of already. Fleas can become a huge problem if they've found their way into your home, where they can quickly multiply. Some pets can even get what is called "flea allergy dermatitis" which is basically when the saliva from a flea's bite causes itching, scabbing, hair loss in the affected area, and overall suffering for your pet, in which case a veterinarian would need to treat them. To prevent your pet and the rest of your family from suffering and potential vet bills, we at Venicepets provide the following flea products:

Frontline: Frontline as you may already know is a once-a-month topical flea treatment for dogs and cats, and Venicepets happens to have the cheapest Frontline in the area. If you don't believe us, check it out for yourself :) We do this because our main concern at Venicepets/Marina Dog Grooming is that each and every pet and their family can have what they need to avoid suffering from flea infestation. Frontline kills fleas, ticks, and chewing lice, prevents them from biting again and lasts up to 1 month. We sell Frontline in 3-month boxes (so each box comes with 3 1-month applications) for puppies & dogs 8 weeks or older and up to 22 lbs., for dogs 23-44 lbs., for dogs 45-88 lbs., and for cats and kittens 8 weeks or older. Frontline is also waterproof!

Tri-Herbal Flea Shampoo:
We also sell a great herbal flea shampoo which I personally love. The shampoo is non-toxic, biodegradable, and best of all really kills fleas! The shampoo also helps stop scratching, is ok for dry, itchy, and scaly skin as well as for sensitive skin, and makes hair soft and fluffy. Because it's an herbal shampoo the scent is clean and fresh, and the shampoo is highly concentrated so you can mix with water or use directly from the bottle. All in all a great product.

Whether it's to beat an existing flea problem or prevent it, Venicepets has you covered! Please stop by the shop to check out our wonderful products.

by Isis

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